This is the definitive guidebook covering rock climbing and sport climbing along the Meadow River, Summersville Lake and Gauley River in West Virginia. This climbing area is located just a few miles northeast of the New River Gorge climbing area near Fayetteville ().
The guidebook covers over 1,400 routes across 8 main areas. These are:
- South Side Crags, Lower Meadow and Upper Meadow along the Meadow River
- Summersville Lake
- Whippoorwill, Long Point, Gauley Crag and Carnifex Ferry along the Gauley River
In total there are 40 different sectors with routes across a wide range of grades. All of these crags feature river-carved gorges of impeccable sandstone rock that provide a good mixture of traditional and sport routes.
At the start of each main area there is a location map and approach details with a brief description of the type of climbing to be found, along with the best time of the year to climb. The guidebook uses a colour code to differentiate between traditional and sport routes: Blue = Sport climbs; and Red = Traditional climbs. All the routes are clearly shown on colour photo-topos along with a detailed description. At the beginning of the guidebook there is great map featuring the main roads and crag locations. There is also information about the local areas, about where to eat, where to stay and get fuel, along with a detailed history of the climbing in this area.
Published by Wolverine Publishing in June 2021 (revised 3rd edition), this guidebook is in English text, and includes many great action photographs.
Number of pages is 328.
Size is 150mm x 230mm.
ISBN is 9781938393402.